Blog Strategy Development

Whether you are new to blogging or an existing blogger, you need to have a strategy for your blog to achieve success. With a well developed blog strategy in place you will have a clear direction of what you want to achieve as well as be able to clearly measure your progress. 

We will help you develop a clear strategy that will be in line with your goals and what you need to do to achieve them. This package will suit individuals, businesses, companies, organizations etc. who want to have a well thought out strategy to guide their blogging venture.

Services include:

Creating a strategic blog plan which will include content, structural and governance strategies.
Determining resource needs for your blog including human and financial resources
Choosing tools to aid blogging
Outlining areas were training is needed to aid the smooth running of your blog
Identifying success metrics for your blog

     This package starts from TZS 35O,OOO.oo  (Click HERE for a free Quote)